![]() WILDLIFE TO SEE IN AND AROUND DIAFANI There are no wild animals to hunt in the countryside of Diafani but at certain times of the year some local men may set out with guns and dogs to shoot partridges or wild rabbits. Efforts have been made however to restore and preserve the local wildlife since the last big forest fire. There are some rare animals to be found only on Karpathos and efforts are being made to protect these and the turtles and Monk seals in our coastal waters. The geographical position of Greece makes it particularly interesting from the ornithological point of view. 423 different species of birds have been officially recorded in Greece. A wide variety nest in Greece and many species stopover on their migration to Africa or winter here before returning to Russia and Scandinavia. Some rare wild flowers can be found in the countryside around Diafani and the hills also abound with typical Greek bushes and wonderfully scented herbs. With efforts to restore and maintain a good ecological balance the butterflies are returning. The best time to appreciate the wild flowers and birds is around Easter time or in the Autumn. CLICK TO SEE : Ecology and Conservation MOm www.MOm.gr ( Website for Monk Seal protection ) Fire Bibliography, Wildlife Photos |